Firstly let me update on today’s lunch meal which maybe was pretty ordinary comparing with others, it means nothing scary to eat so no need to have beer to help with eating some of the pieces:-) As usually I went out with my interpreters and my main contact from the company and this time it was small street restaurant and we had “only” soup but very good one. I can’t stop being amazed by all the variety of food I have already tasted here in the last 5 days, my 3-weeks spent in Vietnam last year is nothing comparing with current stay here.

Despite of the rain (the weather is not very generous for us, it rains every day but usually only in the mornings) I still decided to go on with my tradition of walk after work and again was exploring some new streets in the center with main attraction of the food market. Below are the pictures but for most of the things I don’t the slightest idea what are the names.
And usually on the way back to hotel I took motor taxi:-)
I need to make a small movie to show the traffic on the streets here and how it goes here. There is no way that words can express it.
And today’s afternoon was different from the previous as finally we have decided to spent some time all together and go through many pending organizational things as well as share our thoughts, doubts, challenges we face on the projects we work on and to use each other’s knowledge. The session was very helpful for me especially that I have promised my client to present on Friday my analysis and proposal of my work for the remaining three weeks. It was very precious to hear others comments as my company has very high expectations on me and they somehow want me to analyze new whole organization structure, work on change management, prepare some plan for foreseen management and organization changes. Although I have mentioned that the task is huge and it can’t be done in such a short period as my assignment is planned my clients want to look at my proposals. Nevertheless we have gathered some ideas and points that I’m going to share with my client.
And the second crucial outcome from our team meeting was agenda with all the events we have plans for and it seems that whenever we receive another invitation we will need to consult our schedule to make sure that it is feasible:-) We have also draft regarding some of the community activities we would like to get involved in, maybe visiting blind school especially that Murali has so much experience in this field. We will work on it the coming weeks.
Last not the least it’s brilliant to be in a company of people with such a great sense of humor, that’s probably reason why we deal so well with constant changes, situations where flexibility and patience are real virtues.
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